czwartek, 15 marca 2012

Jeszcze jedna sesja Kristen dla ELLE UK!

Jeszcze nie dawno informowaliśmy Was, o tym że tuż przed wylotem Kristen do Paryża wzięła ona udział w sesji zdjęciowej dla ELLE US! Wczoraj w Los Angeles natomiast odbyła się jej sesja dla tego samego magazynu ale wydania UK. Tak więc jest to już trzecia kolejne sesja okładkowa Kristen w nadchodzącym miesiącu czerwcu! ELLE wczoraj przez cała sesję zasypywało Nas tweetami oraz zdjęciami zza kulis swojej pracy z KStew.
W niektórych z tych sukienek zobaczymy Kristen Stewart w nowej sesji ELLE UK!
Wpisy na tweeterze od ELLE UK:
The sky’s getting lighter in LA, which can only mean one thing: the cover shoot’s starting in just a few hours! #KristenELLE
Uh oh, looking a little misty in LA – and we’re shooting outside! Only 8.23am though, time for the light to improve. #KristenELLE
Crew beginning to arrive at #KristenELLE shoot. Which label would you like to see her in for June issue?
Lots of love for @proenzaschouler and @balenciaga labels for #KristenELLE to wear
She did look fabulous in @balenciaga at Paris fashion week #KristenELLE Look ye here
So many tweets about #KristenELLE in @eliesaabworld. Which look from this collection would work best?
Today we shoot our 2nd cover with Kristen Stewart, here’s a video interview with Kristen from her 1st cover #KristenELLE…
K for Kristen. This pendant is laid out at the #KristenELLE shoot
Or would you prefer to see this little number on her? #KristenELLE
Right, we are go. Rail run through with @amcelle hair artist, photographer, shoot director. #KristenELLE
We’re selecting our preferred outfit cover options – the prettiest rail I’ve seen in a long time #KristenELLE
These are so Kristen. Can’t you picture her in them? #KristenELLE
Make-up artist Gillian Dempsey is here and we’re talking lips, eyes, beautiful skin… #KristenELLE
Shoes glorious shoes on the #KristenELLE shoot
Here’s Art Director Tom Meredith standing in for Kristen. Work it! #KristenELLE
In hair and make-up now. Next step, fittings. #KristenELLE
A selection of sunglasses on the Kristen Stewart June 2012 cover shoot…
How many crew hands does it take to set up a #KristenELLE shoot?
What a beautifully pretty clothes rail for #KristenELLE
Can you identify the designer labels on this rail? #KristenELLE
We’re not finished yet, just eating lunch – stars need food too! #KristenELLE
We’ve done two gorgeous set ups so far, Kristen’s face can pretty much do no wrong. #jealousmuch,yep
Shoot lunch: Tuna nicose or chicken. Well, you did ask. #KristenELLE
On the 3rd outfit at #KristenELLE shoot. Kristen gone for hair & make-up and we’re admiring the view
On outfit 4. It’s still sunny but there’s a chill in the garden, so Kristen’s covering up in a zip-up hoodie between shots #KristenELLE
Kristen’s got goosebumps (LA chills) which means it’s nearly time to finish shooting…
Squeezing in a final shot, Christopher Kane #KristenELLE
Shoot’s a wrap! Second experience of shooting with Kristen even better than the first. The girl’s got class. #KristenELLE

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